Travel Health Clinic

International Society of Travel Medicine listed (ISTM)

Get a travel health consultation at least 6 weeks before journey

Some vaccinations require several injections before becoming effective

What Do We Provide?
Travel Health Consultation:
Travel health risks for individual traveler or trip are different. We provide a comprehensive travel health service that will include a pre-travel health consultation and environmental assessment, identifying potential risks and problems. Based on this assessment, our doctors will provide personalized health advice and prevention.
We provide advice to students who intend to travel, study or work overseas.
We can provide travel health insurance.

Health talk for travel groups
Prophylactic medications for malaria and high altitude sickness
Travelers’ Medicine Kit
First Aid Kit
Insect Repellent

*Yellow Fever Vaccine
In Hong Kong, Yellow fever vaccination is only available in the Travel Health Centres, Department of Health. Please note that Yellow fever vaccination certificate is an entry requirement for certain countries and is valid only 10 days after injection.
Please reserve sufficient time for vaccination before your trip.

Make an Appointment
Please make an appointment for travel health consultation at least 6 weeks before your journey

Please specify during your booking:

  • Number of persons for group travel
  • Destination
  • Date of travel

Preparation For Your Travel Health Consultation
On the day of consultation, please bring with you:
The itinerary in details ( include the date and name of cities that you are visiting, the type of accomodation and planned activities)
Your vaccination record
The pre-filled Travel Health Questionnaire (Click to open the document)
** For travel groups with 10 people or more, please send us the above three documents of each traveller at least one week before the health talk.

Travel Health Tips
Business Traveler
Deep Vein Thrombosis
High Altitude Syndrome
Jet Lag
Keep an Eye on Food Hygiene Abroad
Prevention of Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Rabies Prevention
Water Purification Methods

Useful Links
Outbound Travel Alert System, Security Bureau
Registration of Outbound Travel Information, Immigration Department
World Health Organization (WHO)
Disease Outbreak News
International Travel and Health
Travelers’ Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Global Travel Clinic Directory, International Society of Travel Medicine